Welcome to Santa’s Switch Adapted Toys and user devices.

I have been Santa for several years and love all the work the elves do making toys.

Learning and being entertained by lights, sounds and motion is precious to all, and especially to ones that have trouble working factory installed switches on many commercially available toys.

This site is dedicated to making  sure every child can play with their new toys. That means adapting many of the available ones to be activated by the touch of a simple remote switch.

A switch can be as simple as a big push button sitting on the table, a small pod that fits in the hand, or a pad that can be pressed with the head or body to activate the toy.

Our goal is to make available affordable devices to activate all switch adapted toys, and to make as many toys as we can converted to using those switches.

Thank you for seeking us out, and enjoy your time here.

All of my adapted toys, switches and other devices are available at my shop on Etsy and eBay.

I also host a Facebook group for switch adapted toys. Come visit and share your experiences, get help, or offer help.

Want to see how I adapt my toys? Want to learn to do it yourself?

Check out my YouTube channel for tutorials on every toy I offer for sale as well as many others

Best regards,

Santa Jerry Galland